Chicken Netting 101: Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Poultry

Are you considering chicken netting for your backyard chickens? Curious about how it can protect your feathered friends from predators and other dangers?

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential role chicken coop netting plays in keeping your poultry secure and healthy.

We'll begin by discussing the importance of chicken netting and why every chicken owner should take this measure seriously.

Next, we'll provide an overview of the different types available on the market, helping you make an informed decision when selecting the best option for your flock.

By the end of this blog, you'll have a clear understanding of chicken netting and be well-prepared to safeguard your poultry with confidence.

Let's dive in and learn everything there is to know about our hen-hammocks!

Benefits of Using Chicken Netting

  • Protects your poultry from predators
  • Prevents chickens from escaping, reducing the risk of losing valuable birds or eggs
  • Helps prevent disease by keeping your flock separate from other birds that may carry illness or parasites, such as lice and mites
  • Protects you from catching diseases when handling your birds
  • Keeps young chicks safe until they're old enough not to be tempted by bugs on the ground
  • Contains older birds during feeding time, preventing them from stealing each other's food or pecking at each other's feathers
  • Offers protection from intense sunlight and heat, keeping chickens cool and preventing dehydration
  • Can be reused for plant support, promoting crop diversity on the farm

 Types of Chicken Netting Materials  

Here are the three most common materials used for chicken netting:

  • Plastic: A cost-effective, lightweight, and easy-to-install option favored by beginners or those with a limited budget. However, it's less durable than metal or wire mesh and may require more frequent replacement.

  • Metal/aluminum: Made of galvanized or stainless steel, this material is more durable than plastic netting. It protects against predators and doesn't rust or corrode. However, it can be pricier and heavier, making it harder to install.

  • Wire mesh: A popular choice for those who want a more robust and long-lasting solution than plastic netting but don't want to invest in metal netting. This material is strong and flexible, but it can be challenging to work with due to its rigidity.
A close-up look of sturdy wire mesh

 Factors to Consider When Choosing Chicken Netting

  • Durability: How long will your netting chicken coop last? Look for a sturdy material that can stand up to heavy use and weather conditions.

  • Size of the openings:  A smaller mesh size will keep out larger predators such as raccoons or opossums while allowing smaller birds like sparrows to fly through freely. 

  • Ease of installation: Knowing that it is both time-consuming and costly, you should also consider choosing a tangle free-netting.  This is made up of a specific material and construction method that won't tangle up while laying it out in the open ground and then putting the net up, saving up time and frustration.

How to Install Chicken Netting

Installing chicken coop netting can be simple and hassle-free with the right tools and easy-to-follow steps:

  1. Choose the location for the netting and establish a perimeter with stakes or wooden posts, spaced about 2 feet apart. Ensure wooden posts are not too heavy for the soil.

  2. For each stake, dig holes using an auger bit, reaching at least 12 inches deep. Space stakes at least 6 inches apart to prevent gaps for predators to slip through.

  3. Prepare the netting sections based on the size of the area needing protection. Larger areas may require multiple pre-cut pieces joined together, while smaller areas may only need one piece per section without overlapping.

  4. Attach the netting to the stakes or posts, ensuring proper coverage and no gaps for predators or escapees. 

Your chicken netting is now properly installed and ready to protect your flock.

Tips for Maintaining your Chicken Netting

  • Regularly check for damages: Chicken netting can be damaged by various factors such as weather, predators, and the chickens themselves. It is important to regularly inspect the netting for any damages such as holes or tears, and repair them as soon as possible.

  • Keep it clean: Chicken netting can accumulate dirt, debris, and even chicken droppings which can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria. To prevent this, clean the netting regularly with a mild soap and water solution.

  • Properly secure the netting: Make sure the netting is securely attached to the fence posts or other supports. Loose netting can not only pose a safety hazard to the chickens but also make it easier for predators to enter the coop. Additionally, make sure the netting is high enough to prevent the chickens from flying over it.

Alternatives to Chicken Netting

If you're not into chicken netting, these are other options:

Electric fencing consists of a wire that has been electrified to create an electric field around your poultry pen and keep predators out.

Another option is non-electric fencing. This type of fence uses wood posts and wire mesh to create an enclosure around your chickens' pens.

If you don't want to use either type of fencing (or if it isn't effective enough), another option could be using a chicken tractor instead.

A chicken tractor is simply a mobile pen for your birds where they can roam freely throughout their yard while still being protected from predators by being kept inside an enclosed space--no need for wires or barriers here.


A DIY chicken tractor with a flock of lively chicken inside


Chicken netting is a must-have for every chicken owner who wants to shield their precious birds from predators, illness, and accidental escapes.

By putting our expert advice into practice, you can guarantee the security and well-being of your chickens, letting you experience the joys of raising backyard poultry worry-free.

Remember, the safety of your feathered friends is in your hands, and this guide serves as a valuable resource to help you make the best decisions for their protection.

Don't hesitate to revisit this information as needed and share it with fellow chicken enthusiasts to help spread awareness and promote the responsible care of our beloved backyard poultry.

Take the first step towards happy chicken-keeping by exploring your options here! 👈


Here are some common questions about chicken netting:

Q: Why is chicken netting important for my backyard poultry?

A: Chicken netting is crucial for keeping your poultry safe from predators such as foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey. It not only provides a physical barrier to prevent intruders from accessing your chickens but also gives your chickens a sense of security in their environment.


Q: How high should poultry netting be?

A: A height of at least 6 feet is usually sufficient for most breeds, although flightier birds may require higher netting or clipped wings for added security.


Q: Can't I just use any old netting for my chickens?

A: While it's tempting to cut corners and grab whatever netting is handy, remember that your chickens are relying on you for their safety. Investing in quality chicken netting specifically designed for poultry protection is essential. You wouldn't want your chickens to end up on the wrong side of the pecking order with predators.


Q: Is there a "one-size-fits-all" chicken netting solution?

A: Factors like the size of your flock, the types of predators in your area, and your coop's location all play a part in determining the ideal netting solution. It's always best to assess your unique situation before committing to a netting type.


Q: How often should I replace my chicken netting?

A: The lifespan of your chicken netting depends on several factors, such as the material, the climate, and how rambunctious your chickens are. Generally, higher-quality netting will last longer, but it's a good idea to inspect your netting regularly for signs of wear and tear.


Q: How long will poultry netting last?

The lifespan of poultry netting can vary depending on factors such as the material used, the gauge of the netting, and the conditions in which it is installed. However, with proper installation and maintenance, poultry netting can last for several years.

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