
  • Fact or Fiction: Do Rats Harm Your Chickens

    If you have chickens, you know how important it is to keep them safe and happy.  One problem you might worry about is rats.  You may be asking: "Wi...
  • The Truth About Badgers and Chickens: What You Need to Know

    Ever watched a badger in action and thought about their dietary habits? If you're a chicken owner, your curiosity might lean more toward one specif...
  • 8 Easy Ways to Deter Rat Snakes from Your Chickens

        Ever had one of those moments where you're woken up in the middle of the night to find a slithering rat snake eyeing your chicken coop? Yeah, ...
  • Weasel Attacks on Chickens: Risks, Signs, and Prevention Strategies

    Got chickens? Then you know protecting them from harm is vital. Sure, big animals like foxes can be a danger. But what about smaller ones, like wea...
  • Bobcat-Proof Your Chicken Coop – 9 Essential Strategies

      You probably have chickens at home that you care about. But there's a problem.  Bobcats love chickens, too, but not like we do.  They see our c...
  • Protecting Chickens from Crows: Top 10 Effective Ways

      Crows are a common sight in many parts of the world. And while these intelligent birds leave us in awe with their problem-solving skills, they c...
  • Do Falcons Eat Chicken? Falcons' Diet and Hunting Habits

      Do falcons eat chickens?" is a common question for those raising chickens or loving birds.  Falcons, known for their speed and skills in catching...
  • 8 Things You Should Know When Choosing The Right Bird Netting For Your Chickens

    Are you wondering what to consider when choosing the right bird netting for chickens? It can be stressful when birds build nests in the wrong place...
  • Protect Your Chickens: How to Deter Wild Birds from Your Coop

        Do you keep finding wild birds in your chicken coop? This is a problem for many chicken owners, from small farms to large ranches.  Although w...
  • Outsmarting Squirrels: Learn How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Chicken Coop

        Do squirrels keep messing with your chicken coop? They're cute. But… This can be a problem for you and your chickens.  These small animals can...
  • The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Free-Range Chickens - Proven Tips & Strategies

        Who doesn't love free-range chickens? They're a joy to have around. But ensuring their safety is a big task! Protecting backyard chickens come...
  • Do Eagles Eat Chickens? Understanding Threats and Safety Measures

        Taking care of chickens can be a lot of fun. But it can also be a little scary because of predators like eagles.  Eagles are big, impressive b...
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