Hawk Netting for Chicken Run: Protecting Your Flock from Predators

A magnificent hawk perched on a sturdy branch of a tree


Are you tired of constantly worrying about hawk attacks on your backyard chicken flock?

These birds of prey can strike at any moment, leaving you helpless and your chickens vulnerable.

But fear not. There is a solution that can provide your flock with the protection they need: hawk netting.

In this blog:

We'll explore the importance of protecting your chickens from hawks and how hawk netting can keep your flock safe.

Read on!

How Do Hawks Prey?

A hawk is a bird of prey that belongs to the Accipitridae family. They are known for their sharp talons, mighty wings, and keen eyesight, which make them formidable hunters.

Hawks are opportunistic predators that hunt during the day, and they typically target small animals such as rodents, rabbits, and birds.

Chickens are particularly vulnerable to hawk attacks because they are easy prey due to their size and inability to fly away quickly.

Hawks can swoop down on a chicken run and snatch a chicken in seconds, leaving little chance for the chicken to escape.

What is Hawk Netting?

Hawk netting is a solution that can help protect your chickens from hawk predation. 

It involves installing a net over the chicken run, creating a physical barrier that prevents hawks from swooping down and snatching your chickens. 

The netting is made of a durable and lightweight material that is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and resist damage from predators. 

Some hawk netting systems have a unique feature that keeps the netting tight and secure, even when it's windy.

Hawk netting is an effective and humane solution that can provide your chickens with the protection they need to thrive while giving you peace of mind knowing that your flock is safe from predators.

What are the Benefits of Hawk Netting?

One of the most significant advantages is that it provides predator deterrence and flock safety.

By installing this anti-hawk netting, you can create a barrier that prevents hawks and other predators from attacking your chickens.

This means your chickens can roam freely without fear of being snatched away by predators.

Another benefit of hawk netting is that it allows you to maintain a natural environment for your chickens.

The netting is designed to be unnoticeable and doesn't interfere with your chickens' natural behavior.

Finally, hawk netting provides peace of mind for chicken owners.

Knowing that your chickens are protected from predators can help alleviate anxiety and stress, allowing you to enjoy your backyard chickens to the fullest.

How to Select the Right Hawk Netting Material?

The netting material you choose will determine the level of protection your chickens receive, as well as the longevity of the netting.

Factors to consider:

  • Mesh size of the netting. The mesh size should be small enough to prevent hawks and other predators from getting through but large enough to allow proper ventilation.
  • Durability. The netting should be made from a sturdy material that can withstand harsh weather conditions and resist predator damage.
  • Visibility. The netting should be transparent enough to allow natural light to enter the chicken run while providing enough coverage to protect your chickens.

Considering these factors, you can select the suitable netting material to provide optimal protection for your chickens and ensure their safety for years.

 How to Install Hawk Netting?

  1. Measure the chicken run area to determine the amount of netting required.

  2. Secure the support structures to hold the net in place, ensuring they are strong enough to withstand harsh weather conditions and the weight of the netting.

  3. Attach the netting effectively to the support structures using clips or ties.

  4. Ensure a tight and secure installation, ensuring the hawk-proof netting is taut and free of any sagging or gaps that predators could exploit.

Maintaining and Inspecting the Netting 

  • Regularly inspect the hawk netting in your chicken run for wear and tear. Checking the netting periodically is crucial to identify any damage that may have occurred. Over time, the net may become worn or torn due to weather conditions or natural wear and tear.
  • Promptly repair or replace any damaged sections to prevent predators from exploiting gaps in the netting.
  • Trim surrounding vegetation regularly to eliminate hiding spots for predators and make it more difficult for them to access the chicken run.

Additional Predator Protection Measures 

While hawk netting is an excellent defense against aerial predators, it is also advisable to implement additional measures for comprehensive predator protection. 

Consider the following steps:

  1. Secure Coop Design. Ensure your chicken coop is built with sturdy materials and features secure latches and locks to prevent ground-based predator attacks.

  2. Nighttime Security. Close and lock the coop at night to protect your chickens from nocturnal predators such as raccoons, foxes, or opossums.

  3. Motion-Activated Lights and Alarms. Install motion-activated lights or alarms around the chicken run area to startle potential predators and deter them from approaching.

Other methods:

Electric Fencing

Electric fencing is a highly effective way to keep predators at bay. The electric shock that the fence delivers can deter predators from attempting to enter the chicken coop or run.

This can be particularly effective against larger predators, like coyotes or foxes, who may be more determined to reach your chickens.

However, one potential downside is that it can be expensive to install, especially if you have a large area to cover.

Additionally, some people may be concerned about the safety of using electric fencing around their chickens.

While it's true that the shock that the fence delivers can be painful, it's important to note that it's not strong enough to cause serious harm to animals or humans.

Guard dogs

A big guardian white dog sitting on luscious grass, basking in the warm sun rays with its tongue out and relaxed.

The presence of a large, protective dog can be enough to scare off many predators, including coyotes, foxes, and even birds of prey like hawks.

Guard dogs can patrol a larger area than most other predator protection measures, making them ideal for more significant properties.

They provide round-the-clock protection for your flock. Unlike other methods, like electric fencing or hawk netting, a guard dog is always on duty and can respond to threats quickly and effectively.

The downsides are that: not all dogs are suitable for guarding chickens.

Some breeds, like Great Pyrenees or Anatolian Shepherds, are better suited for this task than others.

Training a guard dog can be time-consuming and expensive, so not all dog owners have the resources or expertise.

Another potential issue with guard dogs is that they can be liable if they attack humans or other animals. Make sure your dog is properly trained and socialized to avoid accidents or incidents.

Overall, each predator protection measure has its pros and cons. It's essential to weigh these factors and consider the measures most appropriate for your specific situation and budget.

 By taking a versatile approach to predator protection, you can increase the likelihood that your chickens remain safe and protected from harm.

Hawk Netting Do's and Don'ts


  • Do inspect the netting regularly for any signs of wear and tear.
  • Do trim nearby trees or vegetation that could provide a perch for hawks.
  • Do promptly repair or replace any damaged sections to prevent predators from exploiting gaps in the netting.
  • Do secure the net tightly to avoid any gaps or entry points.


  • Don't leave gaps or holes in the netting, as predators can exploit even minor entry points.
  • Don't use too loose or sagging net, as predators can get tangled in it and potentially harm themselves.
  • Don't rely solely on hawk netting for predator protection. While it can be effective, it should be used with other measures for optimal protection.
  • Don't forget to inspect and maintain the netting regularly. Neglecting to do so can compromise its effectiveness in protecting your chickens.

Ensuring Chicken Comfort and Safety

While hawk netting is essential for predator protection, it's equally important to prioritize the comfort and safety of your chickens.

Consider the following factors:

  1. Adequate Space. Ensure that your chicken run provides enough space for your flock to move freely, dustbathe, and exhibit natural behaviors.
  2. Shelter and Shade. Provide ceilings or shaded areas within the chicken run to protect your chickens from extreme weather conditions or excessive sunlight.
  3. Regular Supervision. Regularly check on your flock to monitor their health and well-being and promptly address any signs of distress or illness.


Hawk netting is essential for protecting backyard chicken flocks from aerial predators. Using hawk netting for chickens, you can create a secure outdoor environment for your birds to roam and forage without fear of attack safely.

We strongly encourage you if you still need to implement hawk netting for your chicken coop.

A small investment can significantly benefit your chickens' safety and well-being.

You can create a safe and enjoyable environment for your backyard chickens with the proper precautions.

And if you're looking for a top-notch bird netting product, we highly recommend checking out our Harvesto Bird Netting.

These heavy-duty, tangle-free nets are flexible and effective as a hawk deterrent for chickens. With our top-notch bird netting, you can rest easy knowing your chickens are safe and sound.

Give it a try and see the difference it can make for your backyard chicken flock!


Q1: How high should I install the hawk netting above the chicken run? 

Installing the netting at least 3-6 feet above the ground is recommended to prevent hawks from swooping down.

Q2: Can hawk netting be used for other types of birds? 

Yes, hawk netting can effectively deter other predatory birds, such as owls or falcons.

Q3: Will the netting block sunlight and fresh air from reaching the chickens? 

No, translucent netting allows sunlight and fresh air to penetrate, ensuring a comfortable environment for the chickens.

Q4: How often should I inspect the netting for damage? 

Regular inspections should be conducted at least once a month, with additional checks after severe weather events.

Q5: Can hawk netting completely eliminate the risk of hawk attacks? 

While hawk netting significantly reduces the risk of hawk attacks, combining it with other predator protection measures for comprehensive security is essential.

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