9 Practical Ways to Keep Foxes Away from Your Chickens

A red fox, caught mid-action with only its head and sharp eyes, peeping out from a small opening in the ground

Keeping foxes away from chickens is a crucial concern for poultry owners. Foxes are known predators that pose a threat to the safety and well-being of chickens.

To protect your flock, it is essential to implement effective strategies that deter foxes from accessing your chicken coop and yard.

This article will provide practical tips and techniques to keep foxes away from your chickens, ensuring the safety and security of your feathered friends.


How Do Foxes Prey On Chickens?

Foxes are primarily nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active at night.

They have exceptional climbing, digging, and jumping abilities, which allow them to overcome various obstacles.

 Foxes can climb over fences, jump over walls up to six feet tall, and dig under enclosures, making it crucial to have sturdy fencing and solid foundations for the coop.

They are intelligent enough to understand how to infiltrate chicken coops, making it essential to realize that they must be kept out of the area entirely. 

By understanding their behavior and abilities, you can take the necessary steps to keep foxes away from your chickens and prevent potential attacks.

So here's the …

9 Practical Ways to Keep Foxes Away from Your Chickens

1. Securing the Chicken Coop

Keeping your chickens safe from predators and other hazards requires a secure coop. 

Regular check-ups and maintenance will help you ensure that there are no holes or gaps that can be used by foxes, rats, snakes, or other wild animals to gain access to your chickens. 

Covering all openings and ventilation with predator-proof mesh wire will help prevent unauthorized entry. Adding locks to doors and windows is also essential to prevent predators from entering. 

Always ensure that the foundation of the coop is sturdy enough and placed on top of a secure surface that can't be easily dug under.

 Regular examination and upkeep of the coop will help catch any problems early on and minimize the risk of future issues. 


2. Implementing Fencing Solutions

 Installing fencing around the area is the best way to achieve this. 

When choosing fencing materials, it's crucial to go for sturdy options that withstand animal tampering and environmental factors. 

Consider burying wire mesh at least 12 inches underground around your fence to prevent digging. 

The height of the fence is also an essential factor to deter jumping. At least six feet above the ground and with a slight overhang inclined toward the yard should suffice. 

Regular inspection and repairs to the fence will keep it in good condition and functioning correctly. 

3. Utilizing Natural Deterrents

Strong-smelling herbs and flowers planted inside and around your coop, such as lavender, mint, and marigold, can help keep predators off. 

The cayenne pepper and garlic powder sprinkle around the coop's perimeter also works excellently as a deterrent.

 Foxes' sensitivities to certain scents, such as vinegar, citrus, and ammonia, make them another option to include in deterring the predator. 

Incorporating unique smells and fragrances around your chicken coop area can prevent predators like foxes from getting any closer. 

This is an eco-friendly and affordable approach to protecting your chickens. 

4. Maintaining a Clean and Tidy Environment

Maintaining a clean and tidy living environment for your poultry flock is crucial to deter potential predators from invading the coop. 

One effective way to keep them at bay is to remove debris, clutter, and other tangles around the coop that attract predators. 

Trimming bushes and shrubs in compact vegetation can also serve as an entry point for predators. 

Regularly cleaning the coop and broad surroundings eliminates unpleasant and appealing odors that lure foxes. 

Proper waste and feed management minimizes feeding and housing sources, another notable factor that draws predators. 

Therefore, by incorporating hygienic and practical maintenance practices, keeping your flock safe and unscathed becomes easier.


5. Installing Motion-Activated Lights and Alarms

This high-tech protection for your chicken coop is a practical choice. 

Motion-activated lights and alarms work by detecting movements around the area and then initiating a combination of visual and audio warnings that startle the predator. 

For maximum coverage, installation of the devices should be at strategic points around the coop, considering the direction of possible predator entry and the environment. 

The alarms and lights are practical and efficient deterrent methods, especially at nighttime when visibility is limited. Once triggered, the alarm and lights create confusion and disorientation, providing time for your chickens to seek cover or safety. 

For those in areas predisposed to frequent predator attacks, incorporating motion-activated lights and alarms are an intelligent solution for ensuring the protection and safety of your chickens.


6. Using Guardian Animals

One traditional way to protect chickens is by using guardian animals such as dogs and geese. 

These animals have natural protective instincts, which makes them excellent protectors of your flock. 

Using guardian animals to protect your flock has benefits such as reduced stress on the birds, thereby increasing egg production and promoting a sense of security. 

Dogs, for instance, are fierce, protective, and territorial, ideal for fighting predators like foxes. 

Geese, on the other hand, are territorial and naturally loud, making them great protectors too. 

Training and supervision of these animals are equally crucial, ensuring they don't harm the chickens in their protective mode.  

With proper training, supervision, and interaction, using guardian animals is safe, humane, effective, and reliable in keeping your chickens safe from predators.

7. Ensuring Proper Feeding and Watering Practices


Two bright yellow chicken feeders placed inside a spacious chicken coop, surrounded by a group of chickens

 It's necessary to store chicken feed in sealed containers to deter predators such as foxes from being attracted to your yard. 

The scattered feed should also be immediately cleared to reduce the chances of foxes and other predators visiting. 

A predator-proof feeder and waterer should be installed to prevent predators from accessing food and water sources. This will also assist with blocking any openings that predators might use to enter the coop and attack the chickens. 

It's crucial to practice proper feeding and watering practices to minimize food sources for predators around the coop area, which helps lower the chances of attacks and ensures the health and safety of your flock.

8. Being Vigilant and Observant

Detecting any signs of fox activity is essential. This includes increased visibility of foxes or other predators, scat or fecal matter around the coop, and unusual activity.

 In response to suspicious activity, immediate and suitable action should be taken to protect your chickens. 

This may include clearing any nearby undergrowth around the coop or relocating the enclosure if it's too close to the property's edge. 

 Chicken owners should remain vigilant, pay close attention to the activities around their coop, and take action at any signs of suspicious behavior to safeguard their flock from predator attacks.

9. Seeking Professional Assistance

 If you've exhausted all available methods and still have difficulties handling the predator issue, seeking professional assistance is highly recommended. 

Wildlife experts or pest control services are usually the best people for the job. They can help identify the predator type and recommend appropriate preventative measures like deterrents or fencing that suit the situation. 

Expert advice is precious as they can also provide customized solutions tailored to your specific needs while ensuring the safety and health of your flock. 


Keeping your chickens safe from furry foxes can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it's possible. 

Remember, more than one strategy is needed. Using multiple techniques is critical to keep your feathered friends safe. 

Protecting your chickens isn't something to be taken lightly, but with the right approach, you can outfox the foxes and enjoy the comfort of a happy, thriving flock of hens. 



Q1: Can foxes climb over fences? 

Yes, foxes are capable climbers, but taller and sturdy fences can deter them from attempting to climb over.


Q2: Will a fox keep coming back for chickens?

 Some foxes may return to areas where they have previously hunted and successfully captured chickens. Foxes are opportunistic predators and will look for accessible sources of food.


Q3: What foxes hate the most?

Strong-smelling herbs and spices like lavender, marigold, and cayenne pepper can help deter foxes. Loud noise can also be a helpful deterrent against foxes.


Q4: Do guardian animals need training to protect chickens from foxes? 

Yes, proper training and supervision are necessary to ensure the guardian animals effectively protect the chickens.

Q5: When should I seek professional assistance in dealing with foxes?

 If your efforts to deter foxes are unsuccessful or you face persistent fox problems, it is advisable to seek professional assistance from wildlife experts or pest control services.

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