Fact or Fiction: Do Rats Harm Your Chickens

If you have chickens, you know how important it is to keep them safe and happy. 

One problem you might worry about is rats. 

You may be asking: "Will rats hurt my chickens?" 

This guide will help answer this question.

Here, we will talk about how rats and chickens interact, what risks rats might bring, and how to keep them away from your coop and your feathered friends. 

Keep reading to learn more and learn how to protect your chickens best.

Understanding Rat-Chicken Interactions

Rats often steal chicken feed and might live in chicken coops for warmth and coziness. 

They sometimes take away chicken eggs, reducing the number of baby chicks. 

Rats could harm or eat small chickens, especially when food is limited. 

They can also spread diseases to the chickens, potentially making the flock sick. 

Understanding these interactions is crucial to protect your chickens effectively.

Will Rats Kill Chickens?

Most times, rats do not hurt grown-up chickens. But baby chickens could be in danger. 

If rats are hungry and can't find other food, they might harm or even eat baby chicks.

Rats can also go after chickens that have been hurt or are too weak. 

So, if you have sick or hurt chickens, keeping them safe from rats until they get better is good.

Besides, rats can make chickens stressed. This stress can cause them to fall sick easily. 

Rats can carry diseases and pass them to chickens, which could sometimes be deadly. 

One more thing to know is that rats are usually awake during the night when chickens are asleep.

If there are very bold rats, they might try to hurt chickens in their sleep. But this is rare.

So, to make sure your chickens are safe, you must take action to keep rats away.

What Attracts Rats to a Chicken Coop?

These are the factors that make a chicken coop attractive to rats:

  • Food: Chicken feed, corn, grains, and seeds are a primary attraction for rats. Spilled or poorly stored food will draw rats to the coop.
  • Shelter: Chicken coops provide warmth and protection from the elements, making them ideal nesting sites for rats.
  • Water: Chickens need a water source, and rats will be drawn to the same water for drinking.
  • Leftover Scraps: Rats like leftover food scraps like vegetables and fruits. Leaving traces out.
  • Crevices and Hiding Spots: Rats prefer hiding in small, dark spaces, so having a coop with plenty of cracks and hiding spots will make it appealing.

Common Diseases Spread by Rats

Rats can transmit several diseases to chickens, and understanding these illnesses is essential to protect your flock:

  • Salmonella: Rats are often carriers of Salmonella, a disease that can be transferred to chickens through the contamination of food and water.
  • Avian Tuberculosis: Also known as Bird TB, rats spread this disease and can cause severe weight loss, lasting damage, and, in some cases, death in chickens.
  • Leptospirosis: Although it's more common in rodents, Leptospirosis can also affect chickens. It's caused by bacteria found in rat urine and can lead to kidney damage and liver disease.
  • Pasteurellosis: This disease is also transmittable from rats to chickens. Symptoms in chickens include difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, and swelling of the face or wattle.
  • Parasites: Rats can carry parasites like fleas, mites, and lice, which can then infest your chickens. These parasites can cause irritation, anemia, and reduced egg production in chickens.

Signs of Rat Infestation in a Chicken Coop

Signs of a rat infestation in your chicken coop can help you tackle the problem early. Here are several indications of rat presence:

  • Rat Droppings: These are usually the first noticeable signs. Rat droppings are small, dark, and pellet-shaped.
  • Gnaw Marks: Rats have strong teeth and can chew through wood, plastic, and metal. Seeing bite marks, especially around edges and corners, signifies rats.
  • Nests: Rats build nests using shredded material like straw or paper. If you find unexplained nests in hidden areas, rats might be the cause.
  • Footprints: Rats leave footprints in dusty or muddy areas. If you see small-clawed prints, you could have rats.
  • Missing or Reduced Feed: Rats may be the culprits if the feed quantity mysteriously decreases or is wholly consumed overnight.
  • Noise: You may hear noises at night when rats are most active. Sounds of squeaking, rustling, or gnawing might echo from the coop.
  • Chicken Behavior: Chickens can become agitated when rats are around. Unusual behavior, reduced egg laying, or signs of stress may indicate rat presence.

How To Protect Chickens from Rats

Here are preventative measures to make your chicken coop rat-proof and minimize rat attraction:

1. Secure Feed Storage

Store chicken feed in a safe, airtight container to prevent rats from accessing and eating it. Use metal containers whenever possible, as rats can gnaw through plastic or wood.

2. Cleanliness

Regularly clean the chicken coop and surrounding areas to reduce leftover food and poultry waste, which can attract rats. Remove any spilled feed and ensure a clean environment.

3. Coop Construction

Use sturdy materials like heavy-duty wire mesh or hardware cloth when building your coop. Additionally, seal any gaps or cracks in floors, walls, and around doors that rats could squeeze through.

A domestic poultry chicken coop in metal cage with flock of chickens inside

4. Elevate Coop

Raising the coop off the ground makes it more difficult for rats to access the interior. Elevation also prevents rats from burrowing underneath and infiltrating the pen.

5. Secure Nesting Boxes

Install latch systems on nesting boxes and close openings at night to prevent rats from reaching eggs or baby chicks.

6. Predator-Proof Fencing

Install a predator-proof fence around your coop and run to deter rats and other pests. Ensure the wall is buried at least 12 inches to prevent digging.

7. Remove Clutter

Eliminate piles of wood, debris, or vegetation near the coop, which could serve as a hiding place or nesting area for rats.

8. Trapping and Baiting

Use non-toxic traps or bait stations to deal with existing rat infestations. Check and empty them regularly.

Two dead mouse trapped, caught by the classic wooden mousetrap on grass background

Implementing these strategies will help protect your chickens from rats and reduce the risk of potential diseases and stress.

Final Word

Although it's rare for rats to kill adult chickens, they can threaten eggs, chicks, and injured hens. They're not only food thieves but can also spread diseases.

But there's no reason to let rats call the shots.

Following the few easy, actionable steps we have discussed, we can roll up the welcome mat for rats.

Speaking of chicken coop security, have you considered bird netting? The Ultimate Tangle-free Chicken Coop Netting is an excellent, easy-to-install tool that can provide some additional protection.

Besides rats, it can also keep other predators like hawks and eagles at bay. This little upgrade might be worth considering for your chickens' peace and safety.

So, take action today and give your chickens the secure, rat-free environment they deserve.


  1. Do rats attack chickens?

While rare, rats can attack chickens, particularly chicks and injured or sick hens, although they mainly target eggs and chicken feed.

  1. What signs should I look for to identify a rat infestation in the chicken coop?

Telltale signs include rat droppings or tracks, damaged feed bags, holes or gnaw marks on coop walls or flooring, and an unexplained decrease in egg production.

  1. How can I protect my chicken coop from rats?

Simple steps include keeping the coop clean, storing food securely, removing clutter around the coop, using a strong fence, and setting up traps as necessary. 

  1. Are rats harmful to adult chickens? 

While rats usually don't attack adult chickens, they can create a stressful environment and spread diseases, impacting the health and productivity of a flock.

  1. Do chickens attract rats?

Chickens themselves do not attract rats. However, readily available food, water, and shelter in and around chicken coops can attract these unwanted guests.

  1. What can I do if I have a rat problem in my chicken coop?

Take immediate action if you see any signs of rat infestation. If the issue persists, seek professional pest control assistance to protect your flock and coop.

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